What Do the Scars Look Like after Abdominoplasty

By Dr Jake Lim – Plastic Surgeon | Updated: February 16, 2024

Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty Scars – What to Expect

If you’re considering undergoing abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” you’re likely curious about what to expect post-surgery, especially when it comes to scarring. While the procedure can offer good results, it’s essential to be well-informed about the healing process and how scars may appear over time. In this blog, we’ll discuss the details of abdominoplasty scars, from their initial appearance to long-term care.

Dr Lim’s 2024 Abdominoplasty Guide

Abdominoplasty Guide

The Abdominoplasty Procedure

Before we discuss the topic of scarring, let’s briefly discuss what abdominoplasty entails. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, often accompanied by muscle tightening. It’s a popular choice for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, or simply wish to get rid of excess skin present at the level of the abdominal wall.

Initial Appearance of Scars

Scars Location

When it comes to abdominoplasty, the location of the incision is a critical factor that influences the appearance of the resulting scar. The incision is usually made in a discreet area to minimise visibility, typically running horizontally between the pubic hairline and the belly button. However, the exact location can vary based on several factors:

  • Extent of Surgery: If you’re undergoing a full abdominoplasty, the incision may extend from hip to hip. For a mini-abdominoplasty, the incision could be much shorter
  • Surgeon’s Technique: Different surgeons have their unique techniques and preferences. Some may opt for a low incision that can be easily concealed by underwear or a bikini, while others might choose a slightly higher placement depending on the skin’s elasticity and the area that needs to be treated
  • Body Shape: Your natural body contours also play a role in incision placement. The plastic surgeon will assess your anatomy to determine the most effective and least conspicuous location for the incision
  • Personal Preferences: Some patients have specific requests regarding incision placement, especially if they have existing scars they wish to incorporate or conceal. Dr Lim will discuss these preferences with you during the consultation phase

Scars Colour and Texture

The initial appearance of the scar can be somewhat startling, especially if you’ve never had surgery before. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Redness: Fresh surgical scars are often red or even purplish in colour. This is due to the increased blood flow to the area, which is part of the body’s natural healing process
  • Raised Profile: In the early stages, the scar tissue may be raised above the surrounding skin. This is a typical inflammatory response as your body works to repair the surgical wound
  • Lumpiness: You may notice that the scar feels lumpy or uneven to the touch. This is often due to the sutures under the skin and the initial formation of scar tissue
  • Sensitivity: The area around the scar may be tender or sensitive in the first few weeks. This is normal and usually subsides as the healing process progresses
  • Discolouration: Alongside the redness, you may also notice some darker or lighter patches around the scar. This is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, and it usually evens out over time
  • Itchiness: As the scar begins to heal, you may experience some itchiness. This is a sign that new skin cells are forming, and while it may be uncomfortable, it’s generally a positive indicator of healing
0489 - Abdominoplasty Front View
0489 – Abdominoplasty Front View

Scars Healing Timeline

Navigating the healing process after abdominoplasty can be a complex journey, filled with various stages and milestones. Understanding the timeline can help you manage your expectations and take appropriate care of your scar. Here’s a more detailed look at what you can expect during different phases of healing.

First Few Weeks

The initial weeks following your surgery are critical for setting the stage for a smooth recovery. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Strict Aftercare: Dr Lim will provide you with a detailed aftercare plan, which you should follow meticulously. This may include wound cleaning protocols, medication schedules, and activity limitations
  • Hygiene: Keeping the incision area clean is paramount to prevent infection. You’ll likely be advised to gently clean the area with mild soap and water, avoiding any harsh scrubbing
  • Compression Garment: Dr Lim recommends wearing a compression garment to support the healing process. This helps to reduce swelling and can also aid in contouring the newly shaped abdomen
  • Activity Limitations: You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities, including lifting heavy objects and intense exercise. Light walking is usually encouraged to promote blood circulation
  • Monitoring for Complications: Keep an eye out for signs of infection or other complications, such as increased redness, warmth, or discharge from the incision site. Immediate medical attention is crucial if you notice any of these symptoms

1-3 Months

As you move past the initial weeks, you’ll start to see some changes in the scar’s appearance and may experience new sensations:

  • Fading Begins: The scar will start to fade, transitioning from a darker red to a lighter pink. It will still be quite noticeable at this stage
  • Sensory Changes: You may experience itching, tingling, or even a slight numbness around the scar. These are generally signs that your nerves are healing
  • Introduction of Scar Treatments: Depending on Dr Lim’s advice, this might be the time to start applying silicone gel or vitamin E ointment to further aid in scar healing
  • Resuming Activities: While you should continue to avoid high-impact activities, you may be able to gradually reintroduce moderate exercise, always following your plastic surgeon’s guidance

6-12 Months

By this stage, you’ll be well into the healing process, but it’s important to continue with proper scar care:

  • Significant Fading: The scar will have lightened considerably, often blending more naturally with the surrounding skin. It’s important to note that it will never completely disappear
  • Texture Changes: The scar will become softer and less raised as the collagen remodels. You may also notice that the lumpiness has reduced
  • Long-term Scar Care: Even though the scar has faded, ongoing care is essential. This includes sun protection to prevent darkening and the continued use of scar-minimising products if recommended
  • Final Assessments: Around the one-year mark, you’ll likely have a follow-up appointment with your plastic surgeon to assess the final results and discuss any concerns or additional treatments you may be considering

Factors Affecting Scar Appearance

Understanding the factors that influence how your scar will appear post-abdominoplasty can help you manage your expectations and take proactive steps to ensure optimal healing. Here are some of the key elements that play a role in scar formation and healing:

Skin Type

Your skin type is a significant determinant in how your scar will heal and appear over time. Here are some specifics based on different skin types:

  • Darker Skin Tones: Individuals with darker skin are more prone to hyperpigmentation, where the scar may darken over time. This is due to an overproduction of melanin during the healing process
  • Lighter Skin Tones: On the other hand, lighter skin tones may experience hypopigmentation, where the scar lightens and becomes less noticeable over time. Lighter scars can sometimes stand out against a tan
  • Sensitive Skin: If you have sensitive skin, you may be more susceptible to keloid or hypertrophic scarring, where the scar becomes raised and extends beyond the original incision site
  • Oily vs. Dry Skin: Oily skin may heal differently than dry skin, affecting the scar’s texture. Dry skin may require more intensive moisturising to aid in the healing process

Surgical Technique

The skill and expertise of your plastic surgeon are paramount in determining how your scar will heal. Here’s why:

  • Incision Placement: A skilled plastic surgeon will strategically place the incision in an area that is less visible and can be easily concealed by clothing
  • Suturing Method: The type of stitches used and the suturing technique can also impact scar appearance. Dissolvable stitches may leave a less noticeable scar compared to traditional stitches that require removal
  • Surgical Precision: A plastic surgeon with a steady hand and an eye for detail will make cleaner, more precise incisions, leading to less traumatic scarring
  • Post-Operative Care: Your plastic surgeon’s recommendations for immediate post-operative care can significantly influence how well the scar heals


Your role in the healing process is just as crucial. Proper aftercare can significantly impact the scar’s appearance:

  • Wound Cleaning: Keeping the incision site clean is essential to prevent infection, which can worsen scarring
  • Moisturising: Applying a recommended moisturiser can help keep the skin supple and may speed up the healing process
  • Scar Treatments: Silicone gel sheets or scar creams may be advised to help flatten and fade the scar. Always consult your plastic surgeon before starting any new treatment
  • Activity Level: Following Dr Lim’s guidelines on when to resume physical activity can prevent stress and strain on the healing scar, which could otherwise lead to widening or thickening of the scar
  • Sun Protection: UV rays can darken the scar, making it more noticeable. Using a high-SPF sunscreen is crucial when the scar is exposed to sunlight

Tips for Minimising Scarring

·       Follow Aftercare Instructions

As mentioned earlier, following Dr Lim’s aftercare instructions is crucial for optimal healing.

·       Use Scar Creams and Gels

There are various over-the-counter products designed to improve the appearance of scars. However, it’s best to consult Dr Lim before using any of these.

·       Sun Protection

UV exposure can darken scars, making them more noticeable. Always use a high-SPF sunscreen on the scarred area when exposed to the sun.

FAQs about Abdominoplasty Scars


Can I go swimming or sunbathe after the surgery?

  • It’s advisable to avoid sun exposure on the scar for at least six months to a year, as UV rays can darken the scar. Always consult your plastic surgeon before resuming activities like swimming.

Can the scar be revised or improved through additional procedures?

  • Scar revision is a possibility but is generally considered only after the scar has fully matured, usually around one year post-surgery.

Will the scar interfere with future pregnancies?

  • While the scar itself shouldn’t interfere with future pregnancies, it’s important to note that additional stretching of the abdominal area may alter the appearance of the scar.

Can I use over-the-counter scar creams?

  • Always consult your plastic surgeon before using any over-the-counter scar treatments to ensure they are appropriate for your specific healing stage and skin type.

What happens if my scar becomes infected?

  • Signs of infection include increased redness, warmth, or discharge from the incision site. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Can I exercise to reduce the appearance of the scar?

  • Exercise won’t directly affect the scar’s appearance, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support overall skin health and healing. Always consult your plastic surgeon before resuming any exercise regimen.

Do tummy tucks leave big scars?

  • The size of the scar left by a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can vary depending on several factors, including the type of abdominoplasty procedure you undergo, the skill and technique of the plastic surgeon, and your body’s natural healing process.

Further Reading about Body Surgery with Dr Jake Lim

Medical References about Abdominoplasty Scars and Recovery

About Dr Jake Lim

Highly qualified and experienced specialist plastic surgeon Dr Jake Lim focuses on facial plastic, cosmetic breast and body contouring after significant weight loss

Dr Lim creates the best possible plastic surgery results for his Australia-wide and international patients.

Dr Lim is passionate about making sure each and every patient has access to the right information about available treatments and procedures and is able to make well-informed decisions.

At My Klinik, patient safety, education and achieving optimal results are our top priorities.