How to Minimise Arm Lift Scars

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a procedure designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of the upper arms. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat, resulting in a more defined arm contour. As with any surgical procedure, arm lift surgery inevitably leads to the formation of scars. Understanding the nature of scarring and the factors that influence it is essential for anyone considering this procedure.

In this blog, Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Jake Lim will provide practical and effective strategies to minimise scars after arm lift surgery.

Dr Lim’s 2024 Arm Lift Surgery Guide

Why Scars Occur after Brachioplasty?

Scarring is a natural part of the body’s healing process. Whenever the skin is incised or damaged, the body repairs the wound by producing collagen fibres, which results in a scar. This scar tissue has a different texture and quality compared to the surrounding skin, which can make it noticeable. The appearance of a scar can vary greatly depending on several factors, which include the individual’s healing process, the size and depth of the incision, and the care taken during the recovery period.

Factors Influencing Scar Formation

  • Skin Type and Genetics: Your skin type and genetic makeup play a significant role in how your body heals and how visible scars will be. Some individuals are more prone to keloids or hypertrophic scars, which are raised and more noticeable. Others may experience scars that fade significantly over time. Understanding your skin type can help set realistic expectations for post-surgery scarring
  • Surgical Technique: The technique used by your surgeon can greatly affect the size, placement, and appearance of scars. Dr Lim uses techniques that minimise scar length and place incisions in less visible areas, such as the inner side of the arm or in natural skin creases
  • Incision Size and Location: Larger incisions may lead to more significant scarring. The location of the incision also plays a role in how noticeable the scars will be. Dr Lim strives to make incisions in areas that are less exposed or can be easily concealed by clothing
  • Post-Surgical Care: How you care for your incisions post-surgery has a direct impact on scarring. Proper wound care, avoiding strain on the surgical area, and adhering to your surgeon’s recommendations can improve healing and reduce scar visibility
  • Lifestyle Factors: Factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, and inadequate hydration can impair healing and worsen scar appearance. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle before and after surgery is beneficial for optimal healing
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to the sun can darken scars and make them more noticeable. Protecting scars from the sun by using sunscreen or covering them is advisable, especially in the months following surgery

12 Ways Minimise Scars after Arm Lift Surgery

  • Choose a Skilled Surgeon: The first step in minimising scars begins even before the surgery. Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in arm lifts is essential. Your surgeon’s expertise in surgical techniques can significantly influence the size and visibility of scars. Experienced surgeons not only perform the procedure with precision but also understand the importance of aesthetic outcomes
  • Discuss Incision Techniques: During your pre-surgery consultations, it’s important to talk about incision options. Your surgeon might use advanced techniques that place incisions in areas less visible or along natural skin lines, thereby reducing the conspicuousness of scars
  • Follow Pre-Surgical Instructions: Adhering to your surgeon’s pre-surgery guidelines is essential. This includes avoiding certain medications or supplements that might impair healing. Your surgeon might advise you to stop taking certain blood-thinning medications or supplements that can increase bleeding and, subsequently, scar formation
  • Proper Wound Care Post-Surgery: After the surgery, following your surgeon’s instructions for wound care is crucial. This involves keeping the surgical area clean, dry, and properly dressed to prevent infection and promote healing. Good wound care not only helps in quicker healing but also in reducing scar appearance
  • Use Silicone Gel Sheets or Vit E Scar Creams: Once your wound has healed, consider using silicone gel sheets or Vit E scar creams. These products are designed to keep the scar hydrated, which can help in making it less noticeable. They work by creating a protective barrier, which may also reduce itchiness and discomfort
  • Gentle Scar Massage: Once the wound has sufficiently healed, gentle massage can be beneficial in some cases. Massaging the scar can help break down the dense bands of collagen that form in scar tissue, thereby improving its appearance and flexibility
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Protecting your scars from sun exposure is crucial, as UV rays can darken scars, making them more visible. Use a high-SPF sunscreen or keep the scars covered, especially in the months following surgery
  • Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet: Optimal healing requires good nutrition and hydration. A balanced diet rich in vitamins A and C, zinc, and protein can support skin repair and overall healing
  • Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking can significantly impede the healing process and lead to more prominent scarring. Similarly, alcohol consumption can have a detrimental effect on healing
  • Engage in Appropriate Physical Activity: Resuming physical activity should be done in accordance with your surgeon’s advice. Gentle movements and exercises can promote blood flow and aid in healing, but it’s important to avoid strenuous activities until you are fully healed. Dr Lim will advise.
  • Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on the healing process. If you notice any unusual changes or if the scar seems to be worsening, consult your surgeon. Early intervention can be key in managing any complications
  • Be Patient and Realistic: Finally, it’s important to have patience and realistic expectations. Scars take time to heal and mature. It can often take a year or more for scars to flatten and lighten in colour
Arm lift surgery
Arm Lift Patient – Back Arm View

Professional Scar Treatments

Professional scar treatments offer advanced options for those seeking to further reduce the visibility of scars following arm lift surgery. While initial healing and at-home care are fundamental in scar management, some individuals may seek additional treatments for aesthetic or comfort reasons. Next, we’ll explore various professional treatments such as laser therapy, microdermabrasion, and steroid injections:

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a popular choice for scar treatment and can be highly effective in reducing the appearance of scars. It works by using focused light therapy to remove or reshape damaged skin. Different types of lasers are used based on the scar’s characteristics. For instance:

  • Ablative Lasers work by removing layers of skin, which can help in reducing raised scars
  • Non-Ablative Lasers are less invasive, stimulating collagen production and aiding in the healing process without removing any skin

This therapy can also reduce scar redness and improve skin texture, making the scar blend more seamlessly with the surrounding skin. Multiple sessions are usually required, and the procedure should be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.


Microdermabrasion is a less invasive treatment that involves the use of a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin to rejuvenate it. This treatment can be beneficial for superficial scars by promoting new skin growth which can be smoother and more even in tone and texture.

It’s generally considered safe for most skin types and tones. However, it might require multiple sessions over several weeks to achieve noticeable results. Patients can expect a minimal recovery time, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections, specifically corticosteroid injections, can be used to treat keloid or hypertrophic scars, which are raised and can sometimes be itchy or painful. These injections can help flatten the scar, reduce itching, and improve the overall appearance. They work by breaking down the excess collagen fibres that make up the scar.

The process involves a series of injections given over several weeks or months. While steroid injections can be effective, they should be used cautiously, as they can also cause side effects like skin thinning or colour changes in the treated area.

Choosing the Right Treatment to Reduce Scars after Arm Lift Surgery

Selecting the right treatment depends on various factors such as the type of scar, its location, your skin type, and your desired results. Consulting with Dr Lim is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Long-Term Strategies to Reduce Scars after Brachioplasty

After undergoing arm lift surgery, many patients are eager to ensure the best possible healing and minimal scarring in the long term. A significant part of achieving this goal lies in adopting a healthy lifestyle and incorporating regular exercise. These elements play a substantial role in how your body heals and, consequently, how scars mature and appear over time.

Healthy Lifestyle

  • Balanced Diet: A nutritious diet is fundamental in supporting your body’s natural healing processes. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can enhance skin repair and overall health. Vitamins A and C are particularly beneficial for skin health and scar healing. Vitamin A aids in skin regeneration, while Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production, a key component of skin and scar tissue. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet can provide these essential nutrients
  • Hydration: Keeping your body well-hydrated is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and health. Well-hydrated skin can heal more efficiently and is less likely to develop prominent scars. Drinking adequate water daily helps to keep the skin supple and may also aid in reducing the appearance of scars over time
  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking is known to significantly hinder the healing process. It reduces blood flow to the skin, depriving it of essential nutrients and oxygen needed for healing. Quitting smoking can greatly improve your body’s ability to heal wounds and reduce the risk of pronounced scarring. Moreover, avoiding smoking before and after surgery can prevent complications and promote faster recovery

Regular Exercise

  • Gentle Movements: After Dr Lim gives you the go-ahead to resume physical activities, start with gentle exercises. Early movement can promote blood circulation, which is beneficial for healing. However, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting until your surgeon advises that it’s safe to do so. Overexerting yourself can strain the incisions and potentially worsen scarring
  • Specific Exercises for Arm Lift Recovery: Once you’re further along in your recovery, specific exercises targeting the arms can be introduced. Exercises that gently stretch and strengthen the arms can help maintain muscle tone and improve blood flow to the area. This not only aids in the overall appearance of your arms but can also positively influence the appearance and healing of scars
  • Consistency and Moderation: Incorporating regular, moderate exercise into your routine is more beneficial than occasional intense workouts. Consistency in gentle, appropriate exercises can contribute significantly to your recovery and the long-term appearance of your scars

FAQs about How to Minimise Scars after Arm Lift Surgery

How long does it take for scars to fade after arm lift surgery?

  • The healing process varies from person to person, but generally, scars from arm lift surgery start to fade within a few months. Keep in mind that it can take up to a year or more for scars to fully mature and reach their final appearance. Over time, most scars become flatter, lighter, and less noticeable.

Are there any natural remedies that can help in reducing scarring after an arm lift?

  • Yes, some natural remedies can aid in scar healing. For instance, applying vitamin E oil can help in keeping the skin hydrated and may promote healing. It’s important to discuss these options with Dr Lim before application, as every individual’s skin reacts differently.

Can wearing compression garments after an arm lift surgery help with scarring?

  • Yes, wearing compression garments as recommended by Dr Jake Lim can help. These garments support the healing process by reducing swelling and can also help in minimising tension on the surgical scars, which might improve their appearance over time.

How effective are over-the-counter scar creams and ointments?

  • Over-the-counter scar creams and ointments can be effective for some individuals in improving the appearance of scars. Products containing ingredients like silicone, hyaluronic acid, or certain botanical extracts may help in keeping the scar hydrated and can promote healing. But results can vary, and it’s advisable to consult with Dr Lim for recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

When is it safe to start applying products or performing treatments on arm lift scars?

  • Generally, you should wait until the wound has completely healed and the sutures are removed before applying any products or starting treatments on your scars. This means waiting several weeks post-surgery. Always get a green light from your surgeon before beginning any scar treatment to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your stage of healing.

Further Reading about Arm Lift and other Body Lift Procedures with Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Jake Lim

Medical References about Minimise Scars after Arm Lift Surgery

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About Dr Jake Lim

Highly qualified and experienced specialist plastic surgeon Dr Jake Lim focuses on facial plastic, cosmetic breast and body contouring after significant weight loss

Dr Lim creates the best possible plastic surgery results for his Australia-wide and international patients.

Dr Lim is passionate about making sure each and every patient has access to the right information about available treatments and procedures and is able to make well-informed decisions.

At My Klinik, patient safety, education and achieving optimal results are our top priorities.

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